Policy Connecting Communities

The Policy Connecting Communities podcast, produced by AG Consulting & Media, highlights the efforts and strategies used to empower and grow community and policy development within and among the diverse cultural communities of Minnesota.  Hosted by Anab A. Gulaid, a Somali-American public health consultant, educator, and community development leader, the Policy Connecting Communities podcast exists to create a space for state and local community members to come together to give voice to the real-time, lived-experience of public health issues and solutions across cultural communities in Minnesota. With engaging discussions that include culturally diverse policymakers, advocates, business and community leaders, service providers, practitioners, parents, students and community and state stakeholders at all levels, Policy Connecting Communities provides a 360-degree examination of public health issues through a cultural and linguistic lens, and serves as a forum for shaping and amplifying innovative, culturally-minded advancements.

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Thursday Dec 19, 2024

In this episode, we are grateful for the opportunity to have a conversation with a panel of experts from Mayo Clinic about Hepatitis B and C, and their relationship with HIV. Given the disparity in how these viruses are infecting immigrant communities and African-American communities in Minnesota, we wanted to shed light on the work that is being done to better understand the prevalence of these illnesses in the African population, and how equitable research is leading to improved community-based education and intervention. 
These three distinguished researchers-providers-educators share their lived experiences growing up in a healthcare system that's hobbled by a scarcity of resources, and where the intersectionality and comorbidity of liver and auto-immune illnesses has devastating effects.
In addition, we'll learn about:
Current data regarding racial disparities in rates of Hepatitis B and C, and HIV,
Endeavors to ensure equal representation of women and racial ethnic minorities in medical and scientific research and clinical trials.
Outreach efforts to address cultural and social stigma around illnesses such as Hepatitis B, C and HIV, and
Community-based networks to provide early detection, early intervention, and early treatment
Additional Resources, including: the Center for Disease Control, the MN Department of Health, Mayo Clinic, and the local Somali Health Advisory Committee

Friday Dec 06, 2024

In this episode, we interviewed Ruth Richardson–lawyer, health equity champion, and trailblazer. Ruth made history in 2018, becoming the first Black person elected to represent her district in the Minnesota House. Additionally, Ruth is the first Black woman to serve as President and CEO of Planned Parenthood in the North Central States in its over 100-year history.
From the story of Ruth’s mother’s varied experiences of giving birth with Ruth’s great grandmother as midwife, compared to her birthing experience in a segregated Mississippi hospital, to the recent stories of traumatic birthing experiences endured even by wealthy, famous individuals like Serena Williams, Ruth dives into some of the most prevalent issues around health care inequity impacting African and Black community members, and more specifically, women and mothers.
Join us for an in-depth conversation spanning several topics, including:
Insights from Ruth’s unique journey in health equity awareness, advocacy and leadership.
Language and misconceptions around health disparities and health inequity.
Real data and disparities related to African and Black women’s maternal mortality, infant maternal health, domestic violence, human trafficking and more.
The importance of educating people about systemic errors like the Black race coefficient and its effects on Black mortality rates.
How community collaboration, patient stories and personal experiences shape legislative policy and build better systems.
Ensuring legislative policy translates into day-to-day practice.
Tips for getting involved in issues important to you!

Thursday Nov 14, 2024

Understanding Vaccine Hesitancy & Measles
Mawduuc Ku Saabsan Cabsida Talaalka iyo Jadeecada: Somali Language Edition Episode.
Ku soo dhawaada Policy Connecting Communities Podcast.  Aniga oo ah Anab Adan Gulaid, xidhiidhiyaha barnaamijka.
Podcastan waxa soo sayaray oo isku dubariday sirkada AG Consulting & Media, oo kashaqaysa how galinta, horumarinta,  cilmi baarista bulshada,  iyo xog wareysi .    
Barnaamijkan Maanta waa mid qiimo  badan oo ku saabsan Tallaalka iyo sababaha keenay in ay cabsi dheerada ah ay  jirto  iyo  xanuunka jadeecada oo  dhawaan ku soo batay Gobolka Minnesota. Waxaan duubnay mowduucan September 30-keedii, 2024, iyo, sida ay sheegtay Waaxda Caafimaadka ee Minnesota, ma jiraan kiisas cusub tan iyo September 29-keedii.
Waxa marti sharaf noo ah, aqoonyahano kaladuwan oo khibrad u leh caafimadka bulshada. Kuwaas oo kala socda Hayado laka duwan.
Munira M. Maalimisaq, Family Nurse Practitioner with expertise in diversity, inclusion, and health equity and Founder/CEO of Inspire Change Clinic,
Jamila Abdulkadir, Nurse Practitioner at Axis Medical Center and Co-founder & Clinical Director at Inspire Change Clinic
 Iman Sharif Mohamed is a co-founder of Dar-Al Hijrah Mosque in Minneapolis and the co-founder and director of Open Path Resources.

Thursday Nov 14, 2024

In this episode, we invite a panel of community leaders and experts to engage in a discussion about the impact of vaccines in disease prevention and the multidimensional contributing factors resulting from vaccine decline and hesitancy, as well as the recent measles outbreak disproportionately impacting the Somali community in Minnesota.

Friday Sep 27, 2024

This month as we unmasked mental health, we dive deeper into what recent data is showing regarding mental health trends in Minnesota with a focus on our students and and populations from diverse cultural backgrounds. With experts from the National Association on Mental Illness (NAMI) MN as well as public health officials and local practitioners, we'll highlight some of the most important data points, key challenges in addressing mental health within specific communities or demographic groups, as well as the solutions that are currently working and where we need to increase availability and access to those solutions.

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